Tapestry Hedges

Have you ever heard of a Tapestry Hedge?  I hadn’t, either, until I stumbled upon it recently while researching information about landscape screening with shrubs.  Apparently, based on the various websites that popped up via a search through my second brain (Google), tapestry hedges are much more common in the UK and Canada.  Lucky for us,…

Tips for Being Positive

Many of us hope to be positive in our outlook on life, but sometimes we are surrounded by so much negativity and toxicity that we identify as pessimists or believe that being positive is for “other people.”  As with most things that are worthwhile, positivity takes some effort and practice, even for those of us…

How to recycle: Styrofoam

Polystyrene, also known as Plastic number 6, and commonly referred to as Styrofoam (in the same way some people refer to all tissues as Kleenex).  Technically, Styrofoam is a Dow Chemical-trademarked name for Extruded Polystyrene used for building insulation and floral foam.  So, the rest of the polystyrene family (CD cases, coffee cups, packing materials,…

Mike the Gardener

I have written before about one of my favorite gardening shows to listen to, always hoping to find another to add to my list.  While searching Stitcher for gardening podcasts one day a couple of months ago, I discovered a fellow NJ gardener, Mike the Gardener.  Mike Podlesny primarily focuses on vegetable gardening, complete with a…

Happy New Year, again!

It was quite a year.  I recently started entertaining the idea of becoming more active with Positively Grounded again, after a crushing year of abundant work, fruitless exam studying, and a move (and, all the normal life stuff that happens along the way).  I have let quite a few things that are important to me…

Happy New Year!

In case you are wondering why the blogs posts have been few and far between, I have put Positively Grounded into semi-hibernation while I allow all of my “free” time to be consumed by studying for my architectural licensing exams.  Pursuit of my license was not originally part of my career plan when I graduated…